Children Catechism

Registration for 2024/2025 is now Closed

From the Bible and the Church: Psalm 127:3 states that Children are the Lord’s reward and gift. Jesus said “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of heaven belongs.”

(Matthew 19:14)

The Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph #2223 Affirms that Parents are the first responsible for the education of their children. They bear witness by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness and respect are the rule. The Home is well suited for the education in the virtues. Parents have the grave responsibility to give good examples to their children.

At Holy Rosary we believe that our Catechism program can be a valued addition to the faith formation of children. Our goal is to assist parents in helping the children learn about God our Father and the love he has for us. We want children to know that Jesus loved them and gave the ultimate gift for their salvation. We also encourage them to be guided by the Holy Spirit as they journey in faith. It takes a village to raise a child. Our Catechists are volunteer lay members of our community of Christian faithful. who are devoting themselves to setting forth the teaching of our faith.

Our Mission statement: We seek to create a Catholic faith community which recognizes the interdependence, dignity, equality and respect of all. The heart of Christ will be reflected in all our relationships.

We use the Pillars of Catholic life as our guide in delivering the program through Faith, Liturgy/sacraments, Life of Christ and prayer as distilled by Peter in Acts 2:42

For the 2023/2024 program year We will offer the following options:

1) In person classes for kindergarten and grade 1 to 7 this will also include classes for First Communion and Confirmation Preparation. See below for more details

2) Online classes via Zoom for Kindergarten and grade 1 to 7 including First Communion and Confirmation. See below for more details

3) Home schooling – We may be able to provide material for Home schooling for children grade PK to 6 (excluding Communion and Confirmation) for those families that wish to engage in their own faith formation with their Children. See below for more details. Non Sacrament formation only.

Please use our online registration form (for direct registration) or print our PDF form and email to or mail to Holy Rosary at 510 River Ave Winnipeg MB R3L 0E1

Payment can be made as follows:

E-transfer to

via PayPal from our site

for payment by credit card call Julia Stiller at 204 284 5140

mail your cheque payable to Attention Julia Stiller at Holy Rosary Church 510 River Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0E1.

Exact cash payment can be made in person on the first day of classes

In-Person classesNon Sacrament – classes begin September 17, 2022

We are pleased to offer In-person classes on Sundays from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM followed by Sunday Mass

In order to promote a healthy environment for the children and our volunteers – In-person class size will be limited.  We ask everyone to please stay home if your child is ill.

We use the Loyola Press Finding God program. Children will be given a workbook and material for in-class work. Some at home work may be required.

Cost for non-sacrament years is $60 per child to cover cost of all material and program delivery.

OnlineNon Sacrament – classes begin the week of September 17, 2022

Online classes are delivered via zoom. Classes will take place on weekday evenings or Saturday afternoon. (grade and dates to be determined).

Parent involvement is encouraged so that the home can expand with the weekly lessons and form a community of faith living.

Links to classes will be provided prior to the start of the program to those that are registered.

While some material will be emailed, workbooks and craft supplies will need to be picked up from the parish office (by appointment during the month of September)

All Classes will be begin the week of September 17 Cost of Non Sacrament classes is $60 for material and program delivery

Home Schooling program – Non Sacrament

Home schooling program is ideal for families that have a strong presence of faith in the home. It will require parents to provide faith formation to the children. There are great resources online but be sure the material used is Catholic faith based. We may be able to assist by providing suggested material for age appropriate lessons, however we may not always be able to provide formation or craft supplies. If we have material or suppliers we may be able to assist however all cost including shipping must be covered.

If you wish to discuss Home schooling ideas, please email to discuss and set up.

Sacrament Preparation In-class and online

Children must be baptized prior to entering Sacrament preparation

First Communion Preparation

Our First Eucharist (Communion) preparation includes First Reconciliation (Confession), is celebrated when the child is at the age of understanding. In general this is at age 7 (grade 2) or older.

We offer in-person and online classes for the faith formation and sacrament Preparation.

In person classes are Sundays from 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM followed by family Mass at Noon. Children must attend classes and attend Mass (in person or through our streaming service) to be properly prepared for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

On-line classes will be held during the week (dates and time to be determined). Children will be required to attend online classes and attend Mass (in person or through our streaming service) to be properly prepared for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

First Reconciliation – A special date and time will be set up for all children (in-person and on-line) to attend at Holy Rosary and partake in their first Reconciliation. This is usually held on a Saturday during Lent 2023, date and time will be provided.

Cost for First Eucharist and First Reconciliation is $100 to cover material and program delivery. Some material will be emailed and supplies will need to be picked up from the Church office by appointment.

If you child is not yet baptized, or Children in older grades who have not yet received First Communion – please indicate this on your registration or contact our program coordinator Julia Stiller to make proper arrangements. Please send your email to or call the office at 204 284-5140 during the day.

Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation preparation is usually started when the child is about 12 year old (grade 7 or later). We offer Confirmation classes in-person and online.

In-person preparation is taught on Sunday morning 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM, Children will be required to attend Class and followed by Mass. In addition children will be asked to serve at Mass. Service includes, reading, collection, altar serving, Communion ministry and singing. On-line students will be asked to serve in the community.

On-line program will be delivered during the week (date and time to be determined). Children will be required to attend online classes and attend Mass either in person or through our streaming service. Children will also be asked to participate in community service as part of their Confirmation preparation.

All material for in-person and online will be provided (online will need to pick up material from the church office by appointment. Cost is $100 to cover material and program delivery

Regular Catechism Registration

Parent Handbook

Note: We understand that each family situation is unique, we will try to accommodate the needs of our children and families. However, we must ensure that the children in all our programs are properly formed in our faith.

Sacrament Dates

All dates will be announced and posted as soon as they become available. Here are some guidelines to help you

  1. Catechism program usually begins the third Sunday in September
  2. Sacrament of Reconciliation is usually celebrated during Lent
  3. Sacrament of First Holy Eucharist is usually celebrated during the month of May
  4. Sacrament of Confirmation we usually request a date in June, however, the date is determined by the Archdiocese and announced in January or February.

Financial Concerns – No child will be denied access to our program, if registration or Sacrament fees are a concern, please discuss these with the program coordinator and we will work out a solution that is appropriate


Coordinator: Julia Stiller


Faith in action from prior years

Matthew 18:20

Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20

1 Corinthians 12:27

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:27

James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22

Psalm 100:2

Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

Psalm 100:2