Hello all. For those that were not able to attend Mass last Sunday. The Archdiocese of Winnipeg is currently doing the annual appeal for Sharing God’s Gift. We really need everyone’s help to reach our target this year. Holy Rosary’s target is $39,639.00 to date we have raised $25,791.00 We still need to raise $13,848.00 before the end of 2024. Donations can be sent to the church via E transfer to info@holyrosarychurch.ca indicate Sharing God’s Gift in the memo field. Cheque can be sent to us at 510 River Ave, Winnipeg MB R3L 0E1 please note Sharing God’s gift on the cheque. or you can visit the Archdiocese website at https://archwinnipeg.ca/donate/ to make your donation directly to them. Please indicate that you are part of Holy Rosary so it gets credited towards our goal. If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at 204-284-5140
thank you for your donation