Disciples on the Way

Vocation and Leadership

Our parishioners are asked to step forward to assist with Mass and volunteer with various Miniseries. The focus is to enrich their lives as Disciples and at the same time share the faith with others.  Training, support and prayers are provided to all that feel the call to service. Ideas are always welcome on how we can improve our ministries and faith footprint in the community.

Marriage and Family Life

We support the families in our Church community and aim to provide Liturgy that is easy to understand and share with all age groups of the family. We further support our couples as they travel the path to marriage by providing Marriage preparation classes to focus on the many issues that may come up in life. Our parish understands that our families come in various forms and we are committed to support the vocation of marriage and the family as a domestic church.

Catechists and Faith Formation

We believe that our Faith comes with a life-long journey that begins at birth. Our program recognized that parents are the primary teachers of faith for their children. Our program provides support to our families through classes that touch on various faith topics and open doors to community and family formation. We currently use the Finding God program from Loyola Press. Children from age 4 and up are welcome to enter our program and learn about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. At appropriate levels, Children are prepared for Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.

We are pleased to offer in-class and online sessions to allow families to choose the best method of faith formation for their children.  Our in-class lessons are offered on Sunday mornings while online sessions are offered in the evening during weekdays (dates to be determined).

In order to provide the best program experience, our program relies on volunteers to assist in the classroom (in-person and virtual).  Our current requirements is to have 2 volunteers in each class. No experience is required only a love for children and the will to follow the Holy Spirit. Criminal record checks, child abuse check and safe environment workshop must be provided and completed.

Social Outreach

As part of our mission to be the hands of God, we encourage our parishioners to get involved in various ministries and events to help those less fortunate. We provide food to ministries that feed the homeless and the poor. We host and serve food to the less fortunate in our communities. Our Adult group assist in various events to help build community and share our faith. We participate in the aid to registered refugees and stand united to promote social justice in our country and through Development and Peace.

Church Governance

Our parish works with other parishes in the Diocesan to promote our faith, share best practices and collaborate on issues. We have open and continuous dialogues with the Archdiocese and others to promote our teaching, leadership and faith culture.

Indigenous People

Our parish has noticed an increase of indigenous people joining us in worship and we feel blessed and pray that this trend continues. As brothers and sisters we will continue to welcome both indigenous and non-indigenous people to join our community so that we can grow, learn and share from and with each other. It is thought this learning and sharing that we can promote our culture and proclaim the Gospel to all.

New Evangelization and Missionary Outreach

We support our church in the sharing of the duties to Evangelize those within and out of our church. Parishioners are invited to share the good news of Jesus with others in their daily life outside of the church. Our ministries are always looking for ways to share the faith and love of Jesus with various communities and organizations. Ideas and programs are always welcome and considered.

Sacramental Preparation, Prayer and Devotional Life

Both our Children and Adult program are designed to help individuals gain an understanding of our faith and Sacraments. The preparation is an important process in the growth and development of an individual’s faith formation. Tools are provided and sharing is encouraged as we feel that the best way to learn is through experiences of faith in action. Workshops, Retreats and formation are key elements in the process of the Sacramental preparation.

Youth and Young Adults

We have a Youth group that is encouraged to participate in our Parish with various activities and events. As the group grows they are invited to share new ideas and are encouraged to get involved not only in the church but also be disciples in the community around them. We fully acknowledge that our youth will be the present and future disciples of our faith. It is therefore important that we nurture their own spiritual growth. Our Adult group is very active in the community of the church and neighborhood in providing outreach, faith teaching and evangelization.

Psalm 100:2

Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

Psalm 100:2

James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22

1 Corinthians 12:27

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:27

Matthew 18:20

Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20