For Holy Rosary the following measures have been implemented based on the Memo from the Archdiocese.
1) Sunday Mass: We have suspended all Mass until and including Sunday April 26, 2020. This date could change according to circumstances. Please make use of our Website at and the Archdiocese Website and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In addition, please inform your family and neighbours of this important memo and any further changes.
NOTE: In the interest of preventing the further spread of COVID- 19 and to safeguard the health and well-being of the faithful, I, Most Reverend Richard Gagnon, Archbishop of Winnipeg, dispense all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Winnipeg from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass from March 22 – April 26, 2020.
2) Weekday Mass: will cease during this period. Any intentions during the period will be included once Masses resume we will use the same date of the month in April and May.
3) Parish office: will be closed. Phone messages will be checked and responded too. However the church and office will be closed.
4) Church Access: The church will be closed for intense cleaning and as such will not be open to the general public.
5)Live-streamed Masses and Holy Week The Archbishop will celebrate a private Mas each Sunday from the Cathedral at 11:00 AM. “live-streamed” at our Archdiocese Website This will begin Sunday, March 22nd and will continue throughout the duration of these protocols.
The following schedule of events are cancelled:
1. The Confirmation rally at St Dominic’s Parish on March 21
2. The Confirmation rally at Immaculate Conception Parish on March 28
3. The Mass of Chrism and banquet on April 6
4. The Public way of the Cross on April 10 and communal celebration of the way of the cross
5. all parish public meetings, workshops, gatherings will cease
Other Celebrations
1. Confirmation and First Communion – dates set for May and June may be postponed
2. All Baptisms will be cancelled for this time. New dates will be set with each family
3. Funerals Contact the pastor for all funeral arrangements. Each situation will be reviewed on a case by case.