Welcome to the Parent Resource page. We are hoping to add things to this page to help you with the faith development for your child and family.
We believe that the best teachers of faith are the families. Each time you come together in prayer, sharing faith stories and living the faith you are teaching your child the importance of developing a deep relationship with Jesus. We do however understand that as parents the task of teaching can be overwhelming and at times we may not have the answers our children are looking for.
On this page you will find some tools that our Catechists have used, links to popular sites that offer help, and tools that can bring the faith teaching to your home in fun interactive ways. We will try to add tools as we find them, but feel free to share any tools you have found helpful.
The resources are here to help you answer your children’s questions and be involved in their faith life and growth. These sites are not endorsed by Holy Rosary Church and are offered a resource option. Thank you for letting us serve your family by teaching and caring for your children. If you have any questions about the resources, please contact us.
The resources listed below are meant to provide practical help for parenting and making Christian practices a regular part of your family’s life. Holy Rosary Church does not endorse any of these sites and is not limiting you to these sites in your faith teaching journey.