Education & Awareness Campaign 2018

Education & Awareness Campaign 2018

Devlopment and Peace is launching its new education campaign “Women at the Heart of Peace”. The goal of the campaign is to educate Canadians about the vital role women play in conflict prevention and peace building and to pay tribute to the women who build peace in communities around the world.

Given the increasing number of violent conflicts in the world today, and their dramatic repercussions on civilians, we must find new solutions in promoting peace.

Studies have shown that women are essential in building peace and security in society. Yet women expertise in peace negotiations are not valued and remain by enlarge excluded from peace processes throughout the world.
We call on Canadians to take action to ensuring that women and girls have the opportunity to take active roles in establishing and maintain peace in their communities.

Today in your bulletin we have included Action Cards asking the Canadian government to support women and women organizations working for peace around the world, by increasing Canada’s international development assistance to build a more peaceful world.
We invite you to sign these action cards and join the hundreds of thousands of Canadians across this great country that are making the same commitment, and place them in the basket at the D &P table at the back of the church.

As long as we continue to allow others to bar women from peace processes, we ourselves continue to bar humanity from lasting peace. Together in solidarity, true peace is possible!

We invite all our parishioners to visit the Development and Peace table at the back of the church and learn about our Fall Action Campaign, Women at the Heart of Peace. We also ask you to consider signing the Action Cards, asking our Canadian government to do more to encourage and support women around the world that take an active role in establishing and maintaining peace in their communities. Together in solidarity, true peace is possible.

Matthew 18:20

Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Matthew 18:20

James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

James 1:22

Psalm 100:2

Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!

Psalm 100:2

1 Corinthians 12:27

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:27